OEM Thinclient
Navigation from the Tasks Tab (Formerly Functions)
Designers: Michelle Bacigalupi, James Emmond
Status:Implemented - Software Manager, Jobs...
Last Revised: 10 Feb 02

Navigation from the Functions Tab

The purpose of the Functions tab is to allow the user access through specific functionality. This is especially useful when needing to take action (clone/patch/deploy) upon multiple targets. It allows the user to have a task centric cognitive model while not excluding a target centric model. It also allows the interface to surface multiple kinds of functionality for easy access. A subset, appropriate to the target type, is proposed for the target overview page. The purpose to going to the selected target/targets page after selecting a Function is to review recent activity or other relavant information.

1. Suggested main Catagories: Performance, Administration, Configuration, Maintainence, Utilities
2. Each main catatory could have one or more subcatatories: Enterprise Change Manager may appear under Maintainence.
3. Each Subcatagory would have one or more Functions available. Under ECM would be Patching and Cloning.
4. Each Function would contain specific action or actions: Under Patching would be Patch Wizard.
